Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Belated Christmas!

It's a couple days past Christmas and I've finally pried my kids away from the video games (Guitar Hero III was a big hit!. . . It's even prompting us to look at guitar lessons for Elijah!). So, I'm sitting here scanning old family photos (from Grandpa Evans) and watching "Smallville" with the family -- ahh, what a life!

I'm also kicking off the blog habit and Joel's hoping it will stick. He's been encouraging me to start out a blog or MySpace page for several months so that he can pass it off to his family for updates. I hope this helps meet the need :>)

Tomorrow is a day for Christmas shopping and more fun -- I hope you're enjoying your time too!

God bless!

1 comment:

RedMuh117 said...

I like your blog alot it's really pretty I think you should visit mine.It's called:maxman911'

Love You:Elijah