What a day! I'm pooped and waiting for the Police to return our call. . . Ever have one of those days?
Woke up this morning, touched up last night's caulking job on the tub, and prepped the kids to go to Salem for the day. Then jumped in the shower & we were out the door by 10:30 this morning! We headed to Stayton where I hooked up with Mom to head to Salem for our pedicures (when my grandpa died a couple of weeks ago my friends from work bought us a gift card for pedicures with a note saying, "As Jesus washed the feet of the weary, so do we. . ." it was a very touching gift -- THANK YOU!!). The pedicure was a hot stone and peppermint oil treat and I felt that tingly scalp kind of relaxed. Know what I mean? :>)
From there, errand to Costco then back to Mom & Dad's to get dressed and ready to attend Joel's step-brother's wedding. Quite an experience! Not being a catholic service, it was very quick! I was very proud of how well the kids did :>) . . . Oh, and throw in there the argument that Joel and I had on the way to the wedding (joy). And then the beautiful buffet, dancing, cake, and visiting with the handful of people we knew. Afterwards we headed to Joel's Dad's to pick up the boys (who'd left the reception with "Poppy") and we listened to music -- James LOVES music and played his guitar a bit for us -- very cool!
Anyhoo, on to home -- we got home just after 11:30 PM to find our dogs missing. NOTE: We have a dog run area that is fenced within our fenced-in backyard. The gate to this dog run area is difficult for me to open and the latch slides under some of the chain link. The big yard gate was also opened; it opens inward because you can't push it out because we have walkway stones in front of it. Anyhow, both gates were open. . . We've had similar problems before where we had our Jack Russell taken off a chain in the backyard (collar unhooked from the clasp and then taken off him -- never found) and the gate opened. We've had some harassment from neighbors and so now we're wondering what's going on. Joel called the police and told them our dogs were stolen. They said that they had the dogs there and that the dogs were found "at large" -- now we're waiting for the investigating officer to call us back. . . . It's now after midnight.
(Sigh) -- Do you ever have days like this? Any advice? (mutter, grumble, curse.) Flippity, flip, flip, flip!
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6 years ago
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