This year for Halloween we went up to Salem to see our good friends Carrie & Geoff who were gracious enough to host a Halloween Party. Tons of fun, lots of Rock Band, and we even spent the night after staying up until about 2 AM partying hard! We really appreciated the hospitality and fun :-)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Good Times....
Family Fun at the Pumpkin Patch
You've got to love the PumPkin Patch especially when the trek includes:
- tons of fun in the fall leaves
- time with my honey
- fresh hot apple cider
- caramel apples
- kettle corn
- 96 lbs of pumpkins
- 3 silly kids who fought over getting pushed in the wheel barrow
- a beautiful, crisp, sunny shiny day in the fall in Oregon!!
Praise the Lord!
Happy Birthday Baby Doll .... Joel's 32nd Birthday
Joel's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and as a special surprise Joel's mom flew in from Arizona to surprise him for his birthday. We hadn't seen her for about 4.5 years and so it was especially nice for the kids to get to know their Grandma Donna :-)
Alas, the only "downer" was that I had a doozy of a head cold and so we weren't able to do all the fabulous things that I'd hoped (e.g. beach, pumpkin patch, etc.) ... instead we spent the weekend cuddling on the couch, watching movies, and Grandma let Faithy have a hey-day playing games with her Facebook account (Happy Aquarium and the Cafe were her favorites).
It was GREAT to see her and have that special time (thank you Donna!) !
Faithy's Field Trip to Thistledown Farms
I got to volunteer to go on a field trip with Faith's class to Thistledown Farms here in Eugene... we had a lot of fun, can you tell? :-)
For the field trip, each of the adult chaperones were responsible for keeping track of three kids... much easier said than done when you have three independent kids all wanting to explore a farm!
1.) Cuddling with Faith on the bus ride
2.) Hayride to the field
3.) Feeding the goats (the kids were grabbing leaves to feed the goats)
4.) Going through the corn maze with the kids (granted, it was tricky when they each wanted to take a different path in the maze!)
5.) Beautiful scenery - the farm was great!
6.) Special time together.....