Sunday, November 1, 2009

Faithy's Field Trip to Thistledown Farms

I got to volunteer to go on a field trip with Faith's class to Thistledown Farms here in Eugene... we had a lot of fun, can you tell? :-)

First graders

For the field trip, each of the adult chaperones were responsible for keeping track of three kids... much easier said than done when you have three independent kids all wanting to explore a farm!


1.) Cuddling with Faith on the bus ride
2.) Hayride to the field
3.) Feeding the goats (the kids were grabbing leaves to feed the goats)
4.) Going through the corn maze with the kids (granted, it was tricky when they each wanted to take a different path in the maze!)
5.) Beautiful scenery - the farm was great!
6.) Special time together.....

They had to explore every inch of the field in search of the best "tiny" little pumpkins.... the rule was that they could pick a pumpkin no bigger than their head. One of the girls was in search of the smallest, cutest pumpkin she could find; she ended up with a pumpkin roughly the size of a small orange. The second little girl was kinda quiet and just ran along -- she was the last to pick her pumpkin. Faith was undecided and switched pumpkins a few times. All in all, lots of fun!

So many choices!!!

A Happy Day :-)

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