Wowee! We had another very cool day, here's some highlights:
* It snowed this morning! Nothing stuck but it was still pretty cool to see.
* Attended the first day of class today and Nancy & I were surprised to feel competent! It helps that the other two members of our team helped coach us ahead of time. Very cool!
* Class got out late (bummer! Baaaddd teacher!) but we still made the best of it: Checking out Macy's department store (Wow! Window displays and what appear to be antique escalators and elavators.) Both Nancy & I felt pretty claustrophobic in the elevators -- seems that New Yorkers are fine with pushing elevators to maximum capacity; there were a few floors where I thought, "surely they'll see that the elevator is full when the doors open and they'll wait for the next one" but No, they just crammed in a little tighter. Wow. . . . In fact, we had a "New York" moment: A man in the back of the elevator wanted off & the kid in front of him hadn't moved, he proceeded to push and made a comment about how the kid was fat & stupid. Everyone else commented on
how he was rude and the lady next to us said, "I sure hope we don't have anyone from out of town here" to which I raised my hand & said we were. She busted up laughing. . . Ahh, quite the experience!

* From Macy's we headed down the road and ended up at the Empire State Building. Wowee! It had never occurred to me that the entire downstairs is shops (we ate at the Sbarro's on the ground floor) and that the building is a tenant building (businesses and residents). Wow! Alas, I am a chicken and afraid of heights and so I didn't take the elevator up to the observation deck. Baaadddd Lizabeth! But it was still a cool experience to see a national landmark :>)
* Finally, we ended up at the Manhattan Mall -- a big building with the bottom 4 floors being the mall . . . a mall like the rest of us know: Bath & Body Shop, KB toys, Pretzel stand, etc. etc. but they also have a few stores we don't! We went to Steve & Barry's - a AWESOME store with Sarah Jessica Parker's clothing & jewelry line. My friends, Rhonda & Barb recommended it and I was very appreciative -- awesome deals (e.g. jeans & coats for $9.98 and t-shirts for $3 to $8!) and a lot of t-shirts that made us laugh. Very cool.
Anyhow, it's the end of a long day -- we both feel like we woke up at 4 AM despite the fact that the alarm clock here said 7 AM . . . too early! But it was all good :>)
Tomorrow we have plans for class and then to catch a show. . . Should be lots of fun!

Woo-hoo! New York, New York!
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