Another big milestone! At the wedding last night, Faith wiggled her tooth with her tongue and it popped out. . . She asked if she could give the tooth fairy an I.O.U. so she could take the tooth to school to show her teacher. Joel & I told her that we'd get the message to the tooth fairy; she asked how & we told her that we "know people." ;>) Oh, the joy of kids. . .
Something else I'd meant to share: About a month ago Faith first noticed this tooth was loose and was afraid to tell her daddy about it in case he offered to pull it. But, being her typical brave self she gathered up the courage and told him she had a loose tooth. He asked if she'd like him to pull it and she replied: "No, I can handle it. I've got it covered." -- Where on earth does this kid come from? She cracks us up! Miss. Faith, 5-years-old, and it's not a "I can do it." instead "I can handle it". . . too funny! She then proceeded to try to rip her tooth from her mouth; I cringed and told her just to wiggle it. She tried to pull her tooth for a bit but then, without success, opted to just wiggle away. . . Now, a month later, she gets her relief!
How many times can I describe this girl as "precocious"? It's totally appropriate!
pre·co·cious –adjective
1. | unusually advanced or mature in development, esp. mental development: a precocious child. |
2. | prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc. |
3. | of or pertaining to premature development. |
4. | Botany. a. | flowering, fruiting, or ripening early, as plants or fruit. | b. | bearing blossoms before leaves, as plants. | c. | appearing before leaves, as flowers. |
LOVE that girl!!
Hello! Thanks for the comment! Dan was excited to tell me about being best friends with your brother when they were really little. We had fun reading your blog together...he said, "they were always the biggest football family!". And you still are! Did you ever find out who is letting your dogs out? And, I really enjoyed your philosophy...very nice.
Oregon is seriously such a beautiful place. I never had been until I married Dan, but now we go ever couple years. Love it there.
I'd love to meet you some day Mariel :>) In the meantime, we can share in each other's lives through blogging and messages . . . and the occasional pictures! No word yet on the dog pest -- ah well, such is life and we're stubborn enough to keep pushing on. Give Dan a HUGE hug from me; always LOVED that family. . . Athena is the type of mom I still strive to be :>) Love Becca, Dan, Mark, Tyler, David, Jeffery -- then they moved and had Meghan and ? Any more? :>)
Best part of all growing up? Athena always let me snuggle the babies -- I'm totally jealous that you're expecting! For me, my first pregnancy went well; second pregnancy I tried to deliver 5 weeks early and he was born 2 weeks early; third pregnancy I tried to deliver 2.5 months early, had bed rest, and delivered 2 weeks early (11 pound 9.5 ounce baby that they were concerned about being 'premie' because she was having some breathing difficulty and wasn't quite fully 'cooked') -- meant no more kids for us. :>(
I have my short-tempered days but I REALLY love kids! God bless you all!
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