New School Shoes
(Elijah in Sketchers boots,
Faith has "High School Musical" shoes with pink laces she tied herself,
and Isaac in camo Converse)Can I tell you how totally cool my kids are? Isaac just entered 7th grade and is on his first football team -- strut and all. It's really cool to see the self-esteem that goes along with the encouragement and being one of the "guys." We can expect he's at least a half-hour late as he hangs out after practice (since we live on the other side of the field) . . . cute.
Then there's Faith who is 6-years-old and just entered kindergarten. She's SUPER excited to finally have homework like her big brothers and we've even given her some chores for around the house (putting away silverware, picking up shoes, putting dishes in the sink). She's sooo anxious to grow up and she's learning so much: wanting to do her own hair (sloppy pony-tails and pig-tails) and she learned to tie her shoes in about 5 minutes! We were very impressed!
Finally, Elijah just turned 11 and is in 6th grade. He's trying to adjust to life without Isaac as his constant companion -- he hasn't liked that Isaac has been busy with football! Unfortunately when we tried to sign Elijah up for Pop Warner football he was too big for his age range. We're hoping to get him started with wrestling or something in the winter. In the meantime, he's a MAJOR video game addict! Sweet, hormonal (a.k.a. "emotional") Elijah -- I take comfort in remembering that Isaac went through this too (and will again). God love the poor kid as his body starts changing!
So, there's a bit of the news at our house. . . Enjoy the pictures!

P.S. Honest to goodness! Faith said, "I have a passion for fashion!" Friday when she got to dress herself for the day (no school meant no uniform) -- too funny!
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