I've been watching a John Denver special on PBS (one advantage of a flu bug is the time spent vegging out) and it brings such warm, fuzzy feelings. The show features some footage of John Denver way back when (late 70's) and I have vague, early memories of watching him with my parents. . . . My parents were big fans and tried to live the life John promoted: family, love of nature, singing with the acoustic guitar. Watching him brings back those memories. . . Mom singing to us with her guitar and Dad tucking me in at night. Do you know what I mean?
Mom had the record, "An Evening with John Denver" (released in 1975 - the year I was born) and we'd listen to it over and over again. I can picture our living room with the record album propped against the stereo (not a "stereo" by today's standards -- but one of those old stereo's that was the size of one of today's small entertainment centers -- with the speaker on the bottom and a record player, 8-track, and radio up on top - the hinge lid). . . listening to the music while I helped Mom by dusting or singing along with it. My favorite song was "Matthew" and I'd ask to listen to it over and over again.
Now that I've grown, other songs speak to me. . . Sweet Surrender ("Lost and alone on a forgotten highway - traveled by many, remembered by few. . . ") . . . For Annie. . . Then there are the songs that make me laugh like Toledo, Ohio ("I spent a week there one day") or Forest Lawn and then there are the oldies by goodies like Grandma's Feather Bed and Country Roads Take Me Home. . . I've grown up and have, since, bought the CD of "An Evening with John Denver" and there are heartfelt moments on sunny-drive road trips through the country where I will roll down my window and proudly belt out "Thank God I'm a Country Boy!"
In the meantime, I'm enjoying this warm, fuzzy feeling and happy memories with listening to John Denver. Thank you, John, for the music and love! Praise the Lord (and God bless John Denver)!I have vague memories of watching this on TV. . . John Denver and the Muppets - what could be better? :)
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6 years ago
Confession: so do I!
Okay cuz, I'm there with you. I've got John Denver's Greatest Hits in the CD player in my car. What better thing to listen to while in traffic!
So it's not just me! :>)
Liz, we are so proud of you! Thank you for taking the time and telling your children, the significance of this great moment in history and what it personally means to you. You are a wonder!
Love... Mom & Dad
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