My baby is growing up and I don't like it! This September Faith turned 6 years old. . . She's learned to tie her own shoes, she can put her hair in a pony-tail, and she's pulled her own teeth. . . . She's definitely growing up. . . I pray that this process slows down!
Admittedly, I've had baby urges lately: hormones? or the fact that my baby isn't a baby anymore? Alas, we are done in the baby department -- but, still, I've been very blessed to be given three wonderful children to raise :>)
LOVE these kids!!
Here's some birthday pictures:
Grandma came down on her birthday and brought her a gigantic teddy bear (which Faith named "Sarah" -- her favorite name!). Here they are "cuddling" as she watches Barbie and the Diamond Castle (one of her birthday presents).
Faith still sucks her fingers and clutches bear against her cheek when she's resting. I know that someday soon we'll have to work to break those habits since odds are that the sucking of fingers will mess with her teeth. But, it's also comforting to see that she's not all grown up yet. Know what I mean?
One of her favorite presents was the Playdoh Octopus set. . . She'd been asking for it for several months but both Joel & I haven't been big fans of playdoh since the boys were big on having pieces tossed elsewhere and then mashed into the carpet. But, as a special gift, I opted to take a chance and get her some Playdoh this year. She, Joel, Isaac, and Elijah were teamed around the little table (one that Joel & his brother played at as children) and had fun. [Note: Mom was busy taking pictures!] She's done really well at keeping it picked up and has had lots of fun playing with it :>)Faith's birthday menu? (Note: family tradition is that the birthday person gets to pick their menu for their birthday.) Faithy chose McDonald's cheeseburger and chocolate cake!
Here's my growing girl. . . 6 years old and a happy, well-adjusted kid. . . VERY loved!
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6 years ago
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