Okay, I've been working on scrapbooking and I stumbled across these pictures of my boys. The pictures are from March, but I absolutely LOVE them!These two brothers can drive each other nuts occasionally ("he won't let me play the game!") but they're also self-declared best friends. Granted, when they were little and a friend picked on the other brother, we would tell them: Friends come and go but brothers are forever!
Other memories? When Elijah was born Isaac couldn't say "baby" and so Elijah was called "Bay" for the first year or two of life. . . Then he was called "Yay-ya" (sounds like "Lijah") and Elijah called Isaac "I-yik." I smile thinking of how, when they were four and five, they'd tell me that when they grew up they would live together. When I told them that they'd likely move out and live with their wives and children they firmly told me that it's okay, their family can live with them too ;>)
As for these pictures, they were doing what they do: being silly and being brothers. They'd been dressed for church and after church they found some of Joel's ties to play with: wrestling, silliness, and me breaking out the camera. . . .Man, I love these boys!!!!
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6 years ago
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